Jan./Feb. 2017 Saturday Morning Life Drawing Workshop (6 Weeks)
Jan./Feb. 2017 Saturday Morning Life Drawing Workshop (6 Weeks)
Maximum: 25 Artists
Coordinator: Miles Lewis
This workshop is a continuation of a long-running Saturday morning class, lead by Alex Carrillo at our neighboring Pierce College. The new location is a 1930's-era multi-purpose entertaining room, with ample ventilation, warm lighting, good music, and two occasional cats.
Maintaining the original format, this class features a new model every week and generally follows:
20 - 1-minute poses
2 - 10-minute poses
and a remaining series of 20-40 minute poses.
Entry in this class is by 2-month registration only, in order to make sure that we can cover modeling and facility fees ($60 modeling and facility + $5 for transactions, no tax). If you would like to pay by phone, please call Miles' number at the bottom of the page. No refunds after the first day of class.
Typically, our two month sessions will be 8 weeks. This session will be 6 weeks in order to accommodate two workshops (Sat. January 14th and Sat. February 4th) - in watercolor painting and charcoal drawing - LISTED HERE.
We have tables, benches, chairs, and easels.
Please bring your own drawing or painting materials. We also encourage anyone who enjoys using their own portable easel to bring it.
The area is residential, with low-traffic and much parking. A map of our local, accessible elementary school parking lot is among the pictures for this listing.
Please call Miles Lewis at 818-390-2215 with any questions.
ADDRESS: 5210 Collier Pl., Woodland Hills, CA 91364